Well, Homecoming 2011 is officially in the books and while the game wasn't what any Gopher fan wanted to see, the day was absolutely perfect. Beautiful October weather & some pretty awesome tailgating.
I made spiked apple cider to bring with on Saturday and since some people had asked for the recipe, I figured I would just post it on here. It was incredible -- the perfect post-game drink when it was just starting to get too cold to be outside anymore!
Spike Apple Cider
-2 cans of apple juice concentrate
-1 bottle of cinnamon schnapps**
-1 bottle of whiskey
-Cinnamon sticks
-Ground cinnamon
**You can use regular schnapps (30 proof) or go big and get Hot 100... I went the safe route this weekend.**
Pour the two cans of apple juice concentrate into a crockpot or large saucepan. Add the appropriate amount of water -- the juice I used required three cans full of water for each can of concentrate. I choose to add one cup of schnapps for each can of juice (used 2 total), however you can add as much or as little alcohol as you want. I also added whiskey, but did this as a free pour -- it was Homecoming after all! Then I threw in six cinnamon sticks and a dash of ground cinnamon. Stir it up & throw the lid on the crockpot. Turn up the heat and give it a couple of hours to heat up and cook. Your kitchen will smell incredible -- and of course, the cider is delicious!
If you want to get extra fancy, buy cinnamon candies and put them in the glasses before you pour the cider in.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Lindsay Guentzel Dot Com
For those of you who continue to check out my blog, thank you. I'm sorry I haven't been updating it lately but I've been busy working on a new project -- my very own website. I'll still be blogging but it's a little bit more organized. Be sure to check it out!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011
DO GOOD this Weekend!
It's a BIG weekend here in Minneapolis to DO GOOD & you all should get involved -- I am!
On Saturday, I'm taking part in the 2011 Walk to End Alzheimer's at the Hyland Lake Park Reserve. The walk takes place from 8:30am to 10:30am with the Honor & Remembrance Program starting at 11:00am.
I'm very honored to be walking with the Bohnert family as a part of Pop's Parade. Don Bohnert -- or Papa as everyone calls him -- is one of my neighbors at Shingwauk, the village where my family has been spending our summers since I was 5. He's a charismatic, kind-hearted, sweet man who has been dealing with Alzheimer's for many years and I'm truly blessed to have gotten to know him before this terrible disease took over -- I know countless others who feel the same.
Sadly, Papa isn't my only connection to Alzheimer's. My second family, the Bollettieris, lost Gayetta Hutchinson -- Jill's mother -- to complications from the disease last winter. While we never met, I know she was a loving mother, grandmother and friend who was taken too early by a disease that not enough is known about. I'm hoping that walks like the one I'm participating in on Saturday will help change that.
To donate to my team, visit my site here.
On Sunday, my involvement with The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society continues as I join team FOX Sports North at the 2011 Light the Night Walk at Target Field. The walk kicks off at 7:15p.m.
For those of you that know me know I spent a good portion of my spring and summer helping raise money for the organization through the Man & Woman of the Year competition. This is just another opportunity to help raise money for an incredible organization that has given hope and time to so many families dealing with blood cancers. Huge strides have been made this year in the fight against leukemia and through events like Sunday's Light the Night Walk, we can continue to make advancements that will change lives.
We're very lucky to have the support of Blake Kubel, Lisa Duensing and Marney Gellner this year -- you can help support LLS & the FOX Sports North team by visiting our site here.
For those of you who would like to take your involvement to the next level, you can still register for both walks -- sign up, come on up and support two amazing causes with me!
On Saturday, I'm taking part in the 2011 Walk to End Alzheimer's at the Hyland Lake Park Reserve. The walk takes place from 8:30am to 10:30am with the Honor & Remembrance Program starting at 11:00am.
I'm very honored to be walking with the Bohnert family as a part of Pop's Parade. Don Bohnert -- or Papa as everyone calls him -- is one of my neighbors at Shingwauk, the village where my family has been spending our summers since I was 5. He's a charismatic, kind-hearted, sweet man who has been dealing with Alzheimer's for many years and I'm truly blessed to have gotten to know him before this terrible disease took over -- I know countless others who feel the same.
Sadly, Papa isn't my only connection to Alzheimer's. My second family, the Bollettieris, lost Gayetta Hutchinson -- Jill's mother -- to complications from the disease last winter. While we never met, I know she was a loving mother, grandmother and friend who was taken too early by a disease that not enough is known about. I'm hoping that walks like the one I'm participating in on Saturday will help change that.
To donate to my team, visit my site here.
On Sunday, my involvement with The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society continues as I join team FOX Sports North at the 2011 Light the Night Walk at Target Field. The walk kicks off at 7:15p.m.
For those of you that know me know I spent a good portion of my spring and summer helping raise money for the organization through the Man & Woman of the Year competition. This is just another opportunity to help raise money for an incredible organization that has given hope and time to so many families dealing with blood cancers. Huge strides have been made this year in the fight against leukemia and through events like Sunday's Light the Night Walk, we can continue to make advancements that will change lives.
We're very lucky to have the support of Blake Kubel, Lisa Duensing and Marney Gellner this year -- you can help support LLS & the FOX Sports North team by visiting our site here.
For those of you who would like to take your involvement to the next level, you can still register for both walks -- sign up, come on up and support two amazing causes with me!
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Chipper Jones Bobble Head Night... Huge.
At the end of March, I was lucky enough to head south of the Mason-Dixon Line to catch the Minnesota Twins take on the Atlanta Braves during two exhibition games at the Ted.
Tomorrow, I'm headed there again. But this time -- it's Chipper Jone's Bobble Head Night.
Just days before I'll receive my CJ Bobble Head, the legend himself was reinstated off the disabled list -- returning to the team about week before he was scheduled to. After Jason Heyward almost missed his bobble head night, this return just seems like fate.
In honor of the Braves' 19-inning victory over the Pirates last night (disregarding home plate umpire Jerry Meals' controversial call), I thought I would repost some of my interview with Chipper from back in March. It's no longer available on KFAN.com and to be perfectly honest, Chipper was probably the best -- most interesting -- interview I've gotten to experience so far. Great guy, great personality and was definitely not afraid to be the punch line of any of my jokes.
Here's a flashback.
Chipper and I got talking after an Atlanta reporter asked out loud... "Have the Twins ever played here before?" I'm sure the man meant at the Ted but I, of course, assumed his stupidity and under my breath said... "Well I know they played here in 1991..."
Chipper definitely heard my comment, turned to me and snapped: HEY! I wasn't with the team yet, doesn't count.
It was the perfect way to kick off our conversation. Chipper was very complimentary about the great state of Minnesota.
"I’ve only been to Minnesota twice," he said. "I thought Minneapolis was an awesome town. I had the chance to go out a couple times up there, had a great time. All the people were nice. Seems like a real knowledgeable sports town. They love their Twins. I thoroughly enjoyed, not only last year, the first year in a new stadium, but I loved playing over at the Metrodome, just kinda getting a feel for what that was like. I wasn’t there in 1991, when you guys beat us for the World Series. So many players that I’ve talked to have said that is without-a-doubt the loudest building they’ve ever played in."
Chipper and I also talked about his alliance with Georgia teams -- he has definitely adopted Atlanta and the whole state of Georgia as his home but still holds the Florida Gators as one of his favorite teams to cheer for.
Don't worry though, he assured me he gave up wearing jorts a long time ago. In fact, when I asked him about his jean shorts, he accused his teammates of encouraging me to ask him that. Nope, Chipper, no one put me up to it. I just also associate Florida Gator fans with jean shorts.
“I’m a country boy at heart and I took real well to being a Georgian. I don’t forget my Florida roots…. I gave up the jean shorts a while back.”
Finally, we caught up about the difference between southern hospitality and Minnesota nice. He gave me a pretty good description of southern hospitality and having experienced it first hand, I'm saddened to say the movement has Minnesota Nice beat.
"You’re in the heart of the bible belt and southern hospitality, you know, is taught at a young age," he said. "You’re taught to treat people the way that you would like to be treated and obviously if somebody ruffles your feathers, first and foremost, they’ll probably be out of the circle. But most people at least give you a chance to be nice and that’s where the saying comes from."
Monday, June 13, 2011
The Ten Craziest Weeks of My Life
I thought I was getting set up on a blind date. I thought Nadine and Dana were just being sly, trying to break the ‘no dating’ rule I had instigated since my last relationship had gone south. I sat on Nadine’s couch, naively waiting for the moment when I could politely interrupt her and tell her that while I certainly agreed that he sounded like quite the catch, I wasn’t interested in upsetting my perfect schedule for some guy I probably wouldn’t want to talk to two months later.
Looking back now, I kind of wish it had just been a blind date. What Nadine and Dana had in store for me was nothing short of life changing, a challenge that not only altered the next three months of my life but also how I looked at who I had become in last few years. It’s funny, at the time I accepted the nomination for the 2011 Woman of the Year, I didn’t even have a connection to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. I accepted purely because two people I truly respected thought I was someone they could trust with the job at hand. I was – I am – in a position to reach out to people, to truly make a difference and there was no way I could look at either of them and tell them I wasn’t up for it.
I can’t honestly tell you how much money I’ve raised for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society since April 7th. I won’t know until Friday. All I can tell you is that if you ever get the chance to take on something bigger and more important than yourself, do it. Don’t even hesitate, just say yes. It hasn’t been easy. I’ve had nights where I can’t sleep and nights where I sleep and all I dream about is fundraising. I’ve had events fall through and people disappoint me. I’ve cried when people have told me no and almost given up when it felt like everything was working against me.
But for the first time in my life, I feel like I’ve really accomplished something. For the first time in a long time, I did something – not because it benefited me – but because it felt like it was the right thing to do. And honestly, while the last ten weeks have been some of the most stressful I’ve yet to endure, they are nothing compared to what a family dealing with leukemia or lymphoma has to deal with. The sleepless nights and tears and panicked calls to my friends and family are completely insignificant when you sit down and listen to the stories of the families I’ve met through LLS.
While I know I’m raising money and bringing awareness to an amazing cause, I think the best thing I’ve been given is the support and encouragement from my friends, family and complete strangers who have opened up their hearts and truly been behind me since day one. It’s been an amazing reminder of how much good there is in this world. And while I know I don’t say it enough, I am truly thankful that I have all of you in my life – whether you are one of my best friends or just someone that knows me as Intern Gal – I’ve been overwhelmed by all of the support I’ve received these last ten weeks. I’m honestly so blessed.
I’ve accepted the fact that I might not win Woman of the Year on Friday. This was, all along, a competition. I’m honestly okay with that. See, I won it all a long time ago. Friday is just an excuse to put on a pretty dress, dance with my family and friends and raise more money for LLS. On Saturday morning, I’ll wake up and the 2011 Man & Woman of the Year competition will be over. Two amazing candidates will have taken on their new titles and life – for some – will go back to normal. But I knew back in January when I accepted the nomination that my commitment wouldn’t end on June 17th. I’m in and I challenge every single one of you to find something that pushes you to that same point. Trust me, you’ll be glad you did.
If you'd like to donate to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, please visit my site and make a direct donation to an amazing cause. Donations for The 2011 Man & Woman of the Year will be accepted until Friday at noon.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Bowling, Beauties & Broadcasters
On May 13th, I'm hosting a bowling party for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society at Park Tavern. While you can buy a lane for you and your friends, you can also bid on bowling parties with some pretty awesome people. Check out the links below!
Monday, March 28, 2011
Less than TWO weeks away!
As many of you may know, I am candidate for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's 2011 Woman of the Year. It is a 10-week fundraising campaign that allows members of the Minneapolis/St. Paul community to get involved with the organization while competing to see who can raise the most money for LLS. I use the word competing extremely loosely because one thing I’ve learned since I signed on in January is that there are no losers in this competition. I’ve already made incredible friends and connections and the official kick-off is still almost two weeks away.
But since the kick-off is right around the corner, I thought now would be a good time to update you on ways to get involved with my campaign. Donations can be made to my website directly -- I will provide the link when the website becomes live -- or you can attend one of the very cool events I'm currently planning (with the help of the wonderful Reina Leigh and some of my wonderful friends and family).
Here is a list of events currently on the books.
Saturday, April 9th 8pm to 10pm
Come cheer on the Minnesota Twins at Bootlegger's in downtown Minneapolis as they host the Oakland A's down the street -- because let's be honest, you didn't get tickets during the Website Debacle of 2011. KFAN AM 1130's Meatsauce agreed to host the event with me as long as I promised he could talk to babes IN REAL LIFE that night AND Bootlegger's has given us an awesome deal for the night -- $5 to get in on the beer bash with refills costing only $2.
Tuesday, April 19th Time: TBD
Bring me out to Bayside! The Twins are out east taking on the Orioles and we'll be watching the game at the wonderful Bayside Grill on Lake Minnetonka. Kitty, the manager out there, has set up some great drink specials for us and in true baseball fashion, we'll be having a gourmet hot dog bar to munch on! Drawings, silent auction and live auction items being added daily!
Saturday, May 7th 4pm to 7pm
I will be hosting my first-ever Kentucky Derby Party at Stella's Fish Cafe in downtown Minneapolis. Tickets and details are still being worked out but I suggest that everyone should start looking for a big hat now -- some of my friends already have theirs. The afternoon will be centered around good food, good drinks and good friends with a viewing of the race and a live auction to top off the night!
Friday, May 13th 7pm
Join me at Park Tavern for a night of bowling and beer!
Saturday, June 10th 8pm to 10pm
One last night at Bootlegger's before the campaign comes to an end on June 17th!
More events are being worked on and will be added as soon as they are in the books.
If you or someone you know has auction or drawing items you'd like to donate, please contact me at Lindsay.Guentzel@gmail.com. I've been overwhelmed by the support I've received so far and I can't wait to see what we can gain from here on out!
P.S. This is Ella, our 2011 Girl of the Year. She is one of the reasons I'm so excited to be working with LLS -- not only to we both love basketball and dancing, she's a big Justin Bieber fan just like me. Her family has welcomed me with open arms and I can't wait to start raising money for LLS in their honor.
But since the kick-off is right around the corner, I thought now would be a good time to update you on ways to get involved with my campaign. Donations can be made to my website directly -- I will provide the link when the website becomes live -- or you can attend one of the very cool events I'm currently planning (with the help of the wonderful Reina Leigh and some of my wonderful friends and family).
Here is a list of events currently on the books.
Saturday, April 9th 8pm to 10pm
Come cheer on the Minnesota Twins at Bootlegger's in downtown Minneapolis as they host the Oakland A's down the street -- because let's be honest, you didn't get tickets during the Website Debacle of 2011. KFAN AM 1130's Meatsauce agreed to host the event with me as long as I promised he could talk to babes IN REAL LIFE that night AND Bootlegger's has given us an awesome deal for the night -- $5 to get in on the beer bash with refills costing only $2.
Tuesday, April 19th Time: TBD
Bring me out to Bayside! The Twins are out east taking on the Orioles and we'll be watching the game at the wonderful Bayside Grill on Lake Minnetonka. Kitty, the manager out there, has set up some great drink specials for us and in true baseball fashion, we'll be having a gourmet hot dog bar to munch on! Drawings, silent auction and live auction items being added daily!
Saturday, May 7th 4pm to 7pm
I will be hosting my first-ever Kentucky Derby Party at Stella's Fish Cafe in downtown Minneapolis. Tickets and details are still being worked out but I suggest that everyone should start looking for a big hat now -- some of my friends already have theirs. The afternoon will be centered around good food, good drinks and good friends with a viewing of the race and a live auction to top off the night!
Friday, May 13th 7pm
Join me at Park Tavern for a night of bowling and beer!
Saturday, June 10th 8pm to 10pm
One last night at Bootlegger's before the campaign comes to an end on June 17th!
More events are being worked on and will be added as soon as they are in the books.
If you or someone you know has auction or drawing items you'd like to donate, please contact me at Lindsay.Guentzel@gmail.com. I've been overwhelmed by the support I've received so far and I can't wait to see what we can gain from here on out!
P.S. This is Ella, our 2011 Girl of the Year. She is one of the reasons I'm so excited to be working with LLS -- not only to we both love basketball and dancing, she's a big Justin Bieber fan just like me. Her family has welcomed me with open arms and I can't wait to start raising money for LLS in their honor.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
A Quick Update on Life
It's been decided. I'm awful at keeping up with this thing.
Not to lay out a list of excuses but March has been simply crazy for me. I spent five days in Indianapolis covering the Big Ten basketball tournament, then drove 12 hours back to Minneapolis and hopped on a plane for Ft. Myers where I spent six days watching the Twins at spring training. During that time, I celebrated my 25th birthday, mourned the loss of an old friend, interviewed for a new position and tried to smile at the little things whenever I could. Yes, March has been busy and while some days haven't been easy, I'm so thankful for everything I have -- and get to experience -- in life.
Right now, I'm in Atlanta visiting old friends before heading over to Turner Field to cover the Twins vs. Braves exhibition games on Tuesday and Wednesday. I've already fallen completely in love with this city, both because of the wonderful things I've seen and experienced but mostly because of the people I've been blessed to spend time with.
I'm so lucky to be able to do what I love and I honestly wouldn't be in the position I am in without the love and support from all of you. Whether it's encouraging text messages, emails or Twitter posts, the support I've been given has meant so much to me and I am truly, truly blessed.
Stay tuned for a complete website overhaul in the very near future -- I will definitely want to know what everyone thinks as soon as I get it up and running.
Not to lay out a list of excuses but March has been simply crazy for me. I spent five days in Indianapolis covering the Big Ten basketball tournament, then drove 12 hours back to Minneapolis and hopped on a plane for Ft. Myers where I spent six days watching the Twins at spring training. During that time, I celebrated my 25th birthday, mourned the loss of an old friend, interviewed for a new position and tried to smile at the little things whenever I could. Yes, March has been busy and while some days haven't been easy, I'm so thankful for everything I have -- and get to experience -- in life.
Right now, I'm in Atlanta visiting old friends before heading over to Turner Field to cover the Twins vs. Braves exhibition games on Tuesday and Wednesday. I've already fallen completely in love with this city, both because of the wonderful things I've seen and experienced but mostly because of the people I've been blessed to spend time with.
I'm so lucky to be able to do what I love and I honestly wouldn't be in the position I am in without the love and support from all of you. Whether it's encouraging text messages, emails or Twitter posts, the support I've been given has meant so much to me and I am truly, truly blessed.
Stay tuned for a complete website overhaul in the very near future -- I will definitely want to know what everyone thinks as soon as I get it up and running.
Golden Gopher Spirit Squad at the 2011 Big Ten Tournament
My dad and me at Hammond Stadium for Mets vs. Twins.
Some of the minor league pitchers going through warm-ups at Hammond.
Sunset over Marcos Island.
My best friend (and partner-in-crime) and me after arriving in Atlanta.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Updates from Indianapolis
Day Three of the Big Ten Tournament is in the books and let me tell you -- If you like college basketball and you've never been to a tourney, you need to go.
Today I was lucky enough to see Talor Battle stomp all over Michigan State. While the Penn State senior may have only gone 3 for 18 against Wisconsin, he did post 25 points to help send his team to Sunday's Championship Game. The senior has never been to the NCAA Tourney and his chances have greatly improved after this weekend. Excited to see what the Nittany Lions will do tomorrow against the Buckeyes.
I've been updating KFAN AM 1130 throughout the weekend so check out the site and stay up-to-date on everything Gopher -- and Big Ten -- related.
Here's a photo I grabbed of Minnesota sophomore Rodney Williams, who opened up the Gophers-Wildcats rubber match with a crazy dunk. Unfortunately for the Gophers, it was probably the only highlight from the sloppy loss.
Today I was lucky enough to see Talor Battle stomp all over Michigan State. While the Penn State senior may have only gone 3 for 18 against Wisconsin, he did post 25 points to help send his team to Sunday's Championship Game. The senior has never been to the NCAA Tourney and his chances have greatly improved after this weekend. Excited to see what the Nittany Lions will do tomorrow against the Buckeyes.
I've been updating KFAN AM 1130 throughout the weekend so check out the site and stay up-to-date on everything Gopher -- and Big Ten -- related.
Here's a photo I grabbed of Minnesota sophomore Rodney Williams, who opened up the Gophers-Wildcats rubber match with a crazy dunk. Unfortunately for the Gophers, it was probably the only highlight from the sloppy loss.
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