But even though I'm not a big fan of the holiday, I’ve still been spending a lot of time lately making a mental list of things I’m thankful for in life. I’m not sure if it is because so many things have changed in the last year or because I feel like I’m finally on the right path… but for whatever reason, the list is there.
It, of course, starts with my families. Yes, my families. I have two. I have my family-family... my mom and dad, my three older sisters and my brother-in-law. That's my family, the one I grew up with and celebrate holidays with. Then I have my second family. The Bollettieris. Joe, Jill, and my two adorable little brothers who never get themselves into trouble. Ha.
Just a short step behind my family is my friends. Well, more specifically my girlfriends because they are quite possibly the most amazing group of ladies I've ever gotten a chance to spend time with. Somehow we are all completely different but when we are together, the differences are hardly noticeable. They are my lifers, the girls I can call in the middle of the night when the dreams seem too real and I can't take it anymore. They are also the ones who will close down the bar on any given night just because we are young and we can. Yes, they are amazing.
Thirdly, I'm thankful for the Twins. This summer was one of the best and worst of my life and when things started to go downhill, I had the Twins to keep me distracted. My life revolves around baseball season and I cannot wait for March for it to all start over again.
Obviously, there is more in my life that I'm thankful for. I'm thankful that I can jump on the treadmill and run five miles whenever I feel like it. I'm thankful that I dream big and have high expectations for myself. Yes, life is good--mostly because of the people in my life.
So tomorrow when you are sitting around the table with the people you love most make your own mental list. It doesn't matter how long or how short it is--it just matters that you are thankful for something.